Obi Sash Still Making Waves Now, Discover These Tips To Fashionably Accessorize With It?
Unfamiliar with this stylish accessory? Or have you spotted it in stores without knowing its name? That’s the obi sash! Traditionally, the obi sash is a broad waist belt typically worn with a kimono.
However, nowadays, many fashion trendsetters are reimagining the obi as an accessory suitable for everyday wear. The obi sash trend has evolved to be more adaptable to various styles. You can now incorporate an obi sash into your outfit for different occasions, regardless of whether you’re wearing a kimono or not.
Given that the obi sash is currently trending in 2022, it’s hard to resist trying out this trend and mixing it with other staple wardrobe pieces. Opting for a unique design can elevate your look. For instance, when heading to the office in standard work attire, adding an obi sash can instantly elevate your style. So, here are some tips to creatively accessorize with the obi sash!